Individualizing the Traditional Superfats American Diet

We are all different. Each of us does best when we find the individual diet that is right for us. What works for me may be similar to what works for you, or it may be quite different.

grass-fed cowCertain principles apply to everyone. These principles drive what I call the traditional American diet. This is a way of eating that each of us can thrive on by applying the principles to our own individual needs. One hundred years ago, over half of Americans lived on farms. They raised grass-fed, chemical-free cattle, pigs, chickens and dairy animals. They fished and hunted, and ate seafood when available. They ate vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and some fruit, mostly in the summer. They drank raw milk and had homemade raw butter and cheeses.

For over 30 years, I have taught my patients to eat that way, and to avoid all refined foods, specifically white flour and sugar. The ideal proportions vary from person to person, depending on biochemical individuality, medical history, tastes and a few other factors. A diet based on these principles can reverse disease and build incredible health. The principles apply to us all.

Our farming forefathers ate this way and were largely free of the diseases of civilization–high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, obesity, diabetes, cancer and stroke, to name the more common. Well into the twentieth century, these diseases had nowhere near the prevalence in America that they have today. I have found that when people carefully follow these principles, their medical problems usually dramatically improve and in time may disappear–for as long as they continue eating this way.

CoconutThis type of diet follows the principles Dr. Weston Price discovered in his studies of traditional cultures throughout the world in the 1930s. Diets varied greatly from the tropics to polar regions, from Africa to the mountains of Switzerland, from North America to the South Seas, Australia and New Zealand. Everywhere, native people ate substantial amounts of quality animal fats from healthy wild or domestic animals. In fact, they considered these their most important foods. When asked why, the answer was the same everywhere: “So we can make perfect babies.”

These dietary principles are what drive this “Superfats” diet. Top quality fats are what really hold it together. Fat is satisfying and filling, tastes great, and makes cooking and food interesting. I use coconut oil and butter to cook meat, fish, fowl or eggs and vegetables. Butter makes everything taste better. A variety of cold-pressed vegetables oils can be used on salads (with raw apple cider vinegar), as can raw milk cheeses. Fruit goes well with grass-fed yogurt or kefir. Buckwheat or brown rice is tasty with lots of butter.

Grass-fed ButterCarefully selected food supplements that are right for you will complement your diet. I use Doc’s Best and Cal Mag 600 for insurance on optimal amounts of a wide range of nutrients. Our Krill Oil, Cod Liver Oil and Coconut Oil contain critical fat-soluble nutrients that are an important part of any diet. Organ Delight, Sea Vegetables Plus and Vision Quest are formulas I don’t like to miss, providing nutrients for glandular health, thyroid function, vision and mental acuity.

I have indicated that the ideal dietary proportions may vary greatly for each individual. A good daily starting place for most people would be a substantial green salad, some fresh vegetables and perhaps whole grains with high quality butter, moderate portions of fruit and dairy products from grass-fed animals and one or more portions of grass-fed meat or fowl, wild seafood, or eggs. Limit alcohol to a beer or a glass of wine, and avoid sugar, white flour and all refined foods.

A disciplined approach to diet can work wonders. Please feel free to email us for advice on how to use supplements to complement your diet and how to find the proportions that are right for you.